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December 30, 2012 / compassioninpolitics

On the ability of facilitation to spark social change

“The key to creating vast social change is to tap into the ability of collective and collaborative potential of humanity. The key to unleash the collective potential of humanity is facilitation. Facilitation can shift a group, community, organization that does not empathize, understand, or work well with each other into states where they do. It can shift the foundational matrix with which we interact with each other. Facilitation thus holds the potential to rewrite our societal, community, economic, political codes.

I seldom hear facilitation being talked about as a key ingredient in creating social change. It is such a subtle art that its extraordinary importance is often overlooked. I say if you want to change the world go learn some facilitation techniques like Open Space Technology, Appreciative Inquiry, World Cafe, Heart Circles, Non-violent communication, Insight dialogue, Dynamic Facilitation, Facilitator Improv, Gift Circles, Future search, Theory U, Wisdom Councils, and Acceptance Circles. And then go experiment in applying it in creative ways in different social realms. These experiments will help template humanity for a new era, a new era that is more empathic and cooperative.”

any facilitators in this group?

H/T AlPhalo and reposted by Seb P.

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