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February 28, 2011 / compassioninpolitics

A short theodicy of suffering & evil

I’ve looked at the problem of pain through philosophical eyes and Biblical eyes. In line with that theme, here is a very short theodicy of suffering & evil:

1) discipline & soul shaping (analogous to pruning a tree).
2) in suffering we are caused to remember our 100% dependence on God
3) in suffering with can empathize with others
4) in suffering we are brought closer to Jesus
5) suffering changes our relationship with God from one of metaphorical Santa Clause or cosmic vending machine into real relationship and love.
6) part of his role as father to guide us…let us mess up…and learn from our mistakes.
7) a test of faith.

Seven contemplations & caveats on the “theodicy of suffering and evil”:

1) This question seems to put us in the position to judge God vs. the other way around. If God created the world, he decides the nature of universe. All explanations have to start with the gift and miracle of Creation.
2) Pain and evil are made possible by human choice. The flip side of not having human choice is us being robots or objects. This almost entirely erases the possibility for ethics, joy, love, and relationship.
3) Obviously we are limited by out ants-eye view of the universe both in time & scope of an issue.
4) On over-defining God CS Lewis points out in “God in the Dock”:
“We are in no position to draw up maps of God’s psychology, and prescribe limits to His interests. We would not do so even for a man whom we knew to be greater than ourselves. The doctrines that God is love and that he delights in men, are positive doctrines, not limiting doctrines.”
5) Alternative explanations seem to misconceive of the nature of Good/Evil and what it means to be “All Good or All benevolent.” [obviously closely related to #2]
6) Arguably more skeptical or atheist or agnostic explanations may neglect the purpose of Earthly existence vs. heavenly existence.
7) I think there are important insights to be gained from the notion of Story (ie from “A Thousand Miles”) and Art (from Rob Bell’s “Drops Like Stars”)

You might also check out my quotes from CS Lewis’ “God in the Dock.” Finally, here are some related Bible verses on the topic of comfort and grief during periods of suffering.

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