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September 6, 2007 / compassioninpolitics

Another take on the Fox Republican debate

 Swampland (of Time and formerly of Wonkette) had this to say:



9:01 PM Full disclosure: SwampHusband and I warmed up for this by watching “The Hills.” A burning question: Is Spencer more like Mitt or Rudy? Is Brody Fred? Talk amongst yourselves.


9:23 PM Romney appears wrinkled. Is it time for the fresh application of lacquer?


9:30 PM Thompson wants to arm students to protect us from the next Virginia Tech. Giuliani actually sounds sane on this, perhaps because he realizes how bad it would be if someone with his temper had a gun.


9:42 PM  Romney speculates “we won’t have a permanent role,” if, you know, you consider “until the end of time” the definition of permanent. He also seems confused. Needs to update his firmware. Also: PRETTY SURGE. PRETTY PRETTY SURGE!


10:14 PM Giuliani brags about lowering taxes in New York, which is nice, but a little like increasing chastity in a whore house. Speaking of, an operative asks: “rudy giuliani hesitant to make, uhm, vows, you say….” No, no, just hesitant to keep them!


10:38 PM I’m suing Fox for every second of my life I had to spend on this longer than the 90 minutes I promised my boss. Please text your vote for Ron Paul to Fox, just to piss off Sean Hannity.


My own take:  

Is Rudy 14!?!?!??! He pointed out…”Ronald Reagan won the Cold War because he pointed…LIKE A THOUSAND” missiles at the former Soviet Union.  Nicccce!!


For a 360 Degree look at the debates from outside the DC beltway just click here. You can also check out key commentary at The Carpetbagger Report and Balloon Juice. (apparently Balloon Juice isn’t exactly buddy buddy with the Ron Paul crowd)

Thoughts on the GOP throwdown? Who won? Funniest moment? Thoughts on Fred Thompson’s entrance? For more so-called “substantive” coverage, just scroll down or click on debate.

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