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January 31, 2018 / compassioninpolitics

  1. Question
  2. Story
  3. Culture/Art
  4. History (Data)
  5. Metaphor/Analogy
  6. Defining/Clarifying (the issue, reality).  How do we define Jesus?  How do we define church?  How do we define Christianity?
  7. Purpose
  8. Big picture
  9. Context
  10. Assumption-worldview (including limits)
  11. Wisdom (aka quote)
  12. How the universe works (experience of human life, experience of the human species)
  13. What counts as knowledge (really an assumption/worldview)
  14. Art of distinction/nuance (paying attention to details–paying attention to similarities and differences)
  15. Identify logical fallacy (Strawperson, Misconception, or Myth)
  16. Focus the mind of the listener
  17. Empathy
  18. Confession.  I’m not perfect.  We’re not perfect.
  19. Forgiveness (I need forgiveness, we need forgiveness)
  20. Sensory Experience Visual, Auditory
  21. Position against Pain/Reality of Culture (background of culture)
  22. Implicate/Crystalize/Amplification/Communicate significance
  23. SUCCESS (Example, concreteness).  Concreteness versus abstraction (relativism)

I need an acronymn for a pattern.

I’m not sure.  Thats above my pay grade.  My best guess is.   Thats an interesting question, but periferal.  Sin, Inevitability Judgement, and Jesus, Jesus, Jesus.

What are the most common misconceptions about Christianity?

Sample Arguments and Objections:


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